Cupping TherapyBased the same eastern medicine principles of acupuncture, use of specific pressure in precise point of the body to relieve pain and muscle tension. |
Low Level Laser TherapyEffectively used in Europe for over 30 years. Speeds up the healing and alleviates pain, one of the few low level physical therapy lasers in the state. |
Therapeutic Exercise PrescriptionSpecific, prescribed exercise to strengthen and rehabilitate. |
Hands on Manual TherapyGentle therapy to relax stiff joints. |
Manual TractionHands on relief of joint pressure. |
Mechanical TractionPatient controlled machine to relieve joint pressure. |
UltrasoundSound waves to reduce early stage inflammation and promote healing. |
TENS PrescriptionA small portable tool that blocks the sensation of pain (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation). |
Soft Tissue MobilizationLike massage but for specific injured areas. |
IonotophoresisDirect application of medication through the skin to reduce inflammation. |
Gait TrainingImproving gait strength and improve motion. |
Stabilization TapingHelps body parts take a rest while the injured are heals. |
E-StimElectrical impulse to contract muscle, reduce spasm and reduce inflammation. |
Balance TrainingReduce risk of falls or just tune up your balance for athletic activities & events. |
Ergonomic AnalysisEvaluation of ergonomics to prevent or recover from an injury faster. |